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Boyd Wrede (Republican)

County Sheriff - - (112)

793 N. Table Mountain Loop
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009
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My name is Boyd Wrede and I am a Republican candidate running for Laramie County Sheriff.

I am Wyoming native whose family homesteaded in Carpenter, Wyoming in the 1860's. My strong work ethic and a high sense of morals and values came from years of riding and training horses and working cattle.
My bride Brenda Wrede, also a Wyoming Native, and I have been married for 30 years. We have two amazing adult children, who live and work in Laramie County.

I firmly believe in and will, wholeheartedly, protect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and traditional western values.

I believe in treating people with respect and fairness, in a no-nonsense, matter-of-fact way. I want to provide the citizens of Laramie County with the same quality of law enforcement that I would want my family to receive. You can always expect the truth from my office based on factual information.

Thank you for your time and I hope you will consider me for your 2022 Laramie County Sheriff.


21 years with the Cheyenne Police Dept.
18 years on the Bomb Squad 8 years as Bomb Squad Commander
19 Years on the Mounted Unit most of that time was in charge of the unit
4 Years as a Detective
8 Years as a Patrol Sgt acting LT. at times
Trained in Ottawa Canada with the Royal Canadian Police
Did Executive Protection with the Secret Service
Fugitive Task Force with the US Marshall's Service.


Attended LCCC and UW studying Agriculture
3 years as apprentice electrician.
Emergency Dispatch Certification
Peace Officer training 2000 plus hours
18 years and 1000+ hours of Bomb tech certification bi-yearly recertification and ongoing training in:
• Incident Command training.
• Incident response to terrorist bombings.
• Large vehicle bomb counter measures.
• Bio terrorism
• Chemical and biologic weapons
• Eco terrorism
19 years attending and/or instructing mounted patrol t

Community Activities and Memberships

Provided Cattle and Taught 4H and FFA kids how to compete in Ranch Sorting for Fair
Helped coach Juniors at Cheyenne Rifle and Pistol Club.
Member of Cheyenne Rifle and Pistol Club
Member of National Cutting Horse Association

Why I am Running

I was on two joint units between the Cheyenne Police Dept and Laramie County Sheriff's Officer, Bomb Squad and Mounted unit. During my time on these unit I observed ways the Sheriff's Office treated their Deputies that I did not agree with. I decided when the current Sheriff decided he was going to retire I believed this was an opportunity to make some changes for the benefit of the Deputies and the Residence of Laramie County

Top 3 Priorities

My priority should I be elected will be to improve the safety of our county by addressing manpower and wage concerns. The Sheriff's Office is currently short 50 Deputies. In January alone, 8 deputies in the jail resigned and 7 more have resigned in recent weeks. These Deputies report they are leaving due to lack of leadership and wages A raise that was recently negotiated by the current Sheriff’s Office, went into effect 7/1/2022. The results from this negotiation increased the starting wage by $4/hr, however, it only increased the senior deputies pay by $1.50 an hour. Additionally, if the new deputies receive a good evaluation and a merit increase in pay, they will be making more money than senior deputies this needs to be addressed so we can retain senior Deputies and employees.