You Need

Mission: All eligible Wyoming citizens are informed voters in each election

About WY Vote

Our goal is to increase availability and accessibility to accurate, thorough information on processes, requirements, timing, elected positions, and candidates.

The Secretary of State is the Elections Officer for Wyoming while each County Clerk serves as the Elections Officer for their County.   This site provides easy navigation to the official information on voting requirements, critical election dates, absentee voting, and polling places to ensure accurate and complete information is readily available to voters.

Elected officials at the state, county and local level make decisions every day that impact our lives.  The scope of their responsibilities and authority varies greatly.  Understanding these differences voters decide who they feel is the best candidates are for each position.  Outside the election cycles, this also aids in determining where to address concerns or questions.

Campaign season runs from May to November every even year.  News articles, mailing pieces, neighborhood canvassing, community forums, radio advertisements, yard signs designed to differentiate each candidate often result in confusion on who is running for what.  Candidates can complete an “About Me” page linked from the County Ballot listing providing their contact information, background, why they are running and what they want to accomplish.

WY Vote is a non-partisan 501(c)3 non-profit organization that does not support, endorse, or oppose any candidate or political party.


When and Where

Official information available from state and county election offices includes dates, times and locations. 



Current requirements for registration and voting including Voter ID and absentee ballots.



Elected office responsibilities clarify how the office holders can impact our lives, businesses, schools and community.



Candidates filed for each office on your County ballot with a link to additional information they have provided.

Voting in Wyoming

All Elections are coordinated and managed by your County Clerk.  Selecting the County will have direct navigation to the Clerk’s election information as well as the Candidates on the next Ballot.


Everything you Need to Know

Everything you Need to Know to Vote in Wyoming
Everything you Need to Know to Vote in Wyoming


The Checklist provides all the steps and considerations necessary to be an informed voter. 

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