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Cole Wright (Republican)

Trustee-School District #1 - - (11806)

40 Moses Dr
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901-6848
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I am a husband, father, engineer, volunteer coach, and proud member of our community.


I am interested and devoted to serving our community as a whole, starting with our communities most valuable asset, our children! I've volunteered for 7 years as a coach for little league activities in Rock Springs and Green River, including soccer, baseball, and scouts. I have also attended career day (through the University of Wyoming) as a local engineer at multiple local elementary and middle schools.


Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering and double Bachelors of Science degrees in Mathematics and Engineering

Community Activities and Memberships

My biggest time commitment is to my children and the children of our community. I volunteer as a coach and/or leader in as many activities as my family is able to accommodate which currently includes soccer, baseball, and scouts. For years I was also a member of our communities Young and Professional (YAP) group.

Why I am Running

Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing. I believe that I owe my children and the children of our community every iota of experience I've gained over the years. My goal is to make a difference for as many children as I can, so that they may pursue their dreams, accomplish their goals, and have all the necessary tools that they need to be successful. I believe in a quality education for all students.

Second to the children is supporting our teachers. Teachers give tirelessly to educate the children of our community in their classrooms, to help them be successful. Teachers and staff work long hours and invest a lot of energy to ensure that the children in their classroom are receiving the very best. I have a personal interest in preserving and improving the quality of the system that teachers and staff are a part of. Teachers deserve our support and any effort we can make to improve the educational system with and for them and our students.

Top 3 Priorities

1. Children's Growth & Well Being
2. Children's Education
3. Teacher and Staff Support

I believe children are our community's most valuable asset. They are the future of our world at large. If we work together to prepare them with the tools of success, they will make a valuable difference we all greatly appreciate and need.

Think about this, teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions. Let's work together to support the children and teachers in our community!