Cynthia Treadwell (Republican)

04-01 Woman - - (1412)

44 Sinnerville Road
Rozet, Wyoming 82727
Map It


I originally moved here in 1978 after graduating high school in Sturgis SD. I lived on the Kissack Ranch ext door to Claude and Millie Kissack (love these two people and miss them terribly). I moved away in 1979 but then moved back in 1982. Left in 1992 and back here for good in 1997. My husband and I bought a piece of property and home/shop out here in Rozet in 2012. Odd how I can see the Kissack trucks heading to their shop from my house now!

My true interest in politics developed late but never has swayed from what I was brought up believing in. The Constitution!


My experience is light on paper. I served as precinct committeewoman in 2019-2020. I learned a great deal while serving and it was my pleasure to serve.


1978 graduated from Sturgis SD High School with honors

1992 graduated from Vocational Training – Secretarial Training

Community Activities and Memberships

No "official" memberships although I am active on Facebook political groups.

Why I am Running

My belief in the Constitution has prompted me to run once again. I feel that there is much to be done in the way of getting the party back to where it belongs. I keep hearing about a progressive Republican party but I feel that can be taken as a Democrat! I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe that it is not a "living document". I believe that our God and forefathers knew what they were doing when they wrote this document!

Top 3 Priorities

1. Help to get the party back to being Conservative!

2. Give a true voice to the people living in my area!

3. Get the constituents involved! After all, without them, we stand alone.