John Weber (Republican)

03-06 Man - - (1401)

6815 Snowy River Rd
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
Map It


I have lived in Cheyenne for 30 years. I have been married for 14 years and have 5 children that attend LCSD1 schools.


New to this over the last year or so.


Cheyenne Central
Iowa State

Community Activities and Memberships

Current 3-13 Precinct Committeeman

Why I am Running

I want to help my community get more involved. All to often, many good people don’t understand or feel like their voice matters. I hope to help them find it.

Top 3 Priorities

Helping my neighbors learn about the Candidates and how they can support them.

Being the voice of our neighborhood to the county GOP.

Helping create a community that my children will want to raise their children in.