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Kendra Anderson (Republican)

County Clerk - - (113)

301 Gray Rd
Rozet, Wyoming 82727
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My name is Kendra Anderson. I grew up in a small ranching and mining community in Nevada, but my family and I proudly call Wyoming home. My husband, his father, grandfather, and our grandchildren were all born in the great state of Wyoming. Todd and I have five children, three grandchildren and one on the way. My husband and I enjoy spending time with each other, our family, and our fur pets. We also enjoy hunting, fishing, riding our horses and golfing.


Currently, I am the Chief Deputy County Clerk and have been for the past three years. Before being promoted to the Chief Deputy, I was the Elections Coordinator and previously worked in the County Commissioners Office. Before employment with Campbell County, I worked in accounts payable and human resources and owned a successful small business.


I received an associate degree from Gillette College and currently I am working on a bachelor’s degree in business with a concentration in accounting. I have several leadership and various training certificates.

Community Activities and Memberships

• Current Campbell County Republican Women Treasurer
• Cooperating Education Advisory Board Member
• Employer Support of the Guard and Reserves Volunteer, Military Outreach Coordinator
• United Way Board of Directors, August 2013 – 2016, 2016 Vice-President
• Emergency Food and Shelter Program United Way Representative 2015
• GALI (Gillette Area Leadership Institute) Graduate 2013
• GALI steering committee 2014, Chairman of County and City GALI day

Why I am Running

With my experience as the Chief Deputy Clerk, I have become passionate about what we do in the Clerk's Office and the people I work with. This is not the type of position you can walk into successfully without experience. It’s not just about managing people, it’s a hands-on job. The Clerk works closely with staff on making decisions and processes, you must know the job and laws to support the staff and serve the community in an efficient manner. I want to make the transition of Susan Saunders’ retirement as seamless as possible for our office and the citizens of Campbell County. There are projects such as our new financial system and the scanning of our land records that I want to see through completion. Elections are a big topic right now, and I want to be able to continue to work with the citizens and educate them on our election equipment and procedures to ensure our voters are confident in our local elections.

Top 3 Priorities

My priorities are continuing to ensure our elections are free, fair, secure and transparent so that the public trusts our election process; complete moving the already public land records to a digitized platform (signatures are still required), making them accessible to everyone without requiring a trip to the courthouse and completing the county's transition to a new enterprise and financial system (our current system has been in place since 1991, and technology has changed tremendously since then).