Leesa Kuhlmann (Democratic)

01-01 Woman

308 Gildenrod dr
Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901
Map It


I am a Wyoming native with 40 years of experience as an educator in Sweetwater County. I have three degrees from the University of Wyoming and have taught kindergarten through graduate classes, with the last 21 years as the choir director at Rock Springs High School. I belong to the SEA retired teachers, am secretary/treasurer for the WEA retired teachers association, and play piano for the Mount of Olives Lutheran church. I have been active in the county as an accompanist for the Sweetwater BOCES childrens choir, and director of the community choirs in both Rock Springs and Green River. My husband, Kurt, and I have been married for 39 years and raised two children in our community.


This is the first political campaign that I have participated in, but my involvement in the Wyoming Democratic Party and the county party is dear to my heart. I also serve on the Sweetwater School District #1s insurance committee as the retired representative. When I was an active educator, I held positions on the state boards of the Wyoming Music Educators Association , Wyoming Education Association, and the Wyoming Jazz Educators.


Graduated from Powell High in 1977
University of Wyoming:
BM in Music Education fall 1981
BM in Music Theory and Composition spring 1982
MA in Music Education summer 1985
Graduate credits from University of Northern Colorado, Colorado State University, Brigham Young University, Drake University in Iowa

Community Activities and Memberships

Retired representative on School District #1 s insurance committee
Member of Sweetwater Education Association retired teachers
Secretary/Treasurer of Wyoming Education Association s retired teachers
Member of Mount of Olives Lutheran Church

Why I am Running

I want to bring balance to Wyoming state government.
I want to get Expanded Medicaid passed to help those families that can’t afford medical insurance
I want to proactively advocate for Sweetwater County at the state level and get new, sustainable employment for our children so they can stay in the state
I want to make sure that education in Wyoming is fully funded and a priority for the legislature as our state constitution requires.

Top 3 Priorities

To expand funding to the healthcare department along with acceptance of Expanded Medicaid
To bring new and sustainable businesses to the county to grow our economy and tax base
To see that education is fully funded and remains a priority in the state’s legislature