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Mark Armstrong (Republican)

Secretary of State - - (107)

P.O. Box 56
Centennial, Wyoming 82055
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[email protected]
Well Educated
Serves the Community
Will Serve Your Interest
Rides for the Brand / Let 'er Buck
Willing to Sacrifice for YOU
Qualification for SOS
Build collations with convincing arguments! Only Candidate to manage an office with over 40 employees. Extremely familiar with the personnel rules of the State of Wyoming. Understanding of Wyoming Statutes Title 16, and promulgation of rules/


Work History
1992–Present, Earth Engineers
CEO/Principal Geologist
Diverse experiences in the environmental investigations, oil and gas exploration, and arguments in SCOTUS have increased the areas of expertise. Courtroom experience, winning a case against the Wyoming AG’s office. Environmental projects that include but are not limited to investigation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination, indoor air quality, solid waste disposal. Proper disposal of waste including nuclear.


Education obtained through continued education and at prestigious institutions such as Colorado School of Mines, University of Wyoming in Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Stanford Environmental Studies.
Legislative Advocacy
Business Development
Litigation Mitigation
Legal Strategies
Regulatory Compliance
Government Liaison
Agency Liaison
Legal Testimony
Remedial Action
Subordinate Management
Human Health Risks
Site Safety
Corrective Action Plans

Community Activities and Memberships

Centennial Valley Volunteer
Fire Department
Scout Leader, Soccer Coach,
Wrestling Coach, Mentor
Councilman, Precinct Man
State Committeeman Albany County Republican Party

Why I am Running

Election Integrity (see below), Business environment, Ethics in government (need I say More).

The State should not pick winners and losers; free market factors should. Hard work, innovation, and honest business practices should make or break a business.
Our economy is suffering because Washington State is violating our Commerce Clause rights, and the State of Wyoming has standing to correct that injustice. The National Environmental Policy Act should not be weaponized.
Government should promote a fair playing field. Bill Gates should not receive preferential treatment ($2M) to build a nuclear plant. Nuclear waste should not be stored above ground. The SOS should not support the good old boy club. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria will be fought against and stopped.
Small Business licenses fees (a tax) have doubled recently. Large multinational corporations should not find sanctuary for illegal conduct in Wyoming.
We must have housing and benefits for the working man and woman. While people work it seems that politicians only talk. “In all labor there is profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” (Proverbs 14:23)
When people work hard, but are overtaxed to allow government waste and abuse doesn't that violate the principles of freedom? “He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need.” (Ephesians 4:28)

Top 3 Priorities

Election Integrity
Wrote 17 FOIA requests demanding information regarding the 2020 election.
The investigation revealed that there is good evidence that elections judges were not present as required by law. This could be criminal activity.

A qualified voter was not allowed to vote because he supported Trump.

Filed a criminal complaint and worked on a second complaint until it became evident that no action would be taken by the SOS or DA.

The SOS had acted prior to a County Clerk acting, stepping on the jurisdiction of the Clerk. Then failed to act after a Clerk ruled in a manner that seemed to be arbitrary.

Absentee and mail-in ballots appear to be the source of the voter fraud in most cases. We all know that the day-of-election in-person voting is not the problem. So why after a major rewrite of the election code does the election code still read:
22-9-102. Who may vote by absentee ballot.
(a) Any qualified elector may vote by absentee ballot.

Shouldn’t we be encouraging day-of-election in-person voting? And limiting mail-in and/or absentee voting to people with special circumstances (military, camp jobs, out of town, homebound, resident in nursing care facility, or other). Shouldn’t we advocate for paper ballots?