Ralph A. Vinci (Republican)

Trustee Area 1-School District #1 - - (11830)

896 Sweetwater St
Lander, Wyoming 82520-3049
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To serve as a Fremont County #1 School Board Trustee being responsible for managing the district administrative tasks. In doing so, to develop and implement a comprehensive school program that assists in creating a strong learning environment which allows for increased student academic achievement, social/emotional growth and offer solid leadership among all school and district employees.


18 years education experience including:

* School teacher: regular education/special education
* Special Education Director
* Assistant School Principal
* School Principal/Program Director


Bachelor Science: Business Administration/Finance
Master Arts: Education/Special Education
Master Arts: School Administration/Leadership

Community Activities and Memberships

Christian Educators Association International
Wyoming Association of Special Education Administrators

Why I am Running

I believe my 18 years of experience in education allows for me to contribute and work collaboratively with the current Fremont School District #1 leadership team to:

* Create a vision for the Fremont #1 School District to set and maintain measurable goals in academics, testing, and emotional
* Use my understanding of school finance and budgets to regularly monitor and maintain the fiscal and financial health of Fremont
District #1
* Focus on student achievement, while implementing policies that will ensure continued academic success for all Lander Valley students

It is my hope that in working together we can continue to implement policies of student growth academically, socially, and to ensure the successful progress of all Lander Valley school district students.

Top 3 Priorities

1. Focus on serving all children and families of the Lander Valley School District…

2. Continiue to seek, improve, and maintain student academic progress and social growth for all Lander Valley students…

3. Be a strong, positive representative of the entire Lander Valley student and family community…