silas von Morisse (Republican)

25-01 Woman - - (1598)

1244 Sunshine Avenue
Cody, Wyoming 82414
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Born and raised in Monaco in 1963 (from Polish parents). Father fought in WWII and was a member of the Polish Resistance (he was honored many times during his life). He left Poland in 1957 (when Poland was under Stalin communist regime) and arrived in Monaco in 1958. Silas was born in Monaco in 1963 and came to the USA in 1983 to study in Boston, MA then New York University where she majored in Film Production. She produced from 1989 to 1996 the Short Circuit Film Festival to promote American Filmmakers in Paris France and Monaco. She became an American Citizen in 1996. From 2000 until this day she has worked for very high end art art galleries and art collections in New York City and created in 2014 her own business with her husband, Norwegian artist Andre Von Morisse. Both left New York City in 2019 and relocated to Cody Wyoming in November 2021. Since her childhood, Silas and her husband share a deep love for the American West, its culture and ethic code.


Highly accomplished Gallery Owner, Gallery Director, Gallery Manager. Worked in high-end Blue Chip galleries & collections in New York. Festival Director and Producer, Screenwriter (won awards). Extensive experience in high profile VIP driven environments.


1985-1988 New York University, Tisch School of The Arts. B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts). Major: Film Production
1984-1985 The School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Dual Major: Polaroid 20X24, Film & Video
1982-1983 Lycée Albert 1er de Monaco. BACCALAUREAT B: Economique & Social avec Mention (social and economic Sciences: with Honor)

Community Activities and Memberships

Member of the Cody Chamber of Commerce
Member of The Buffalo Bill Center of the West
Member of The Park County Republican Women

Why I am Running

To protect and keep Conservative Western Values in Wyoming.

Top 3 Priorities

Follow The Wyoming Republican Platform when I vote
Supports the protection of private property against Government overreach
Protect 1st & 2nd Amendments