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Stan Cannon (Republican)

County Attorney - - (118)

1587 Green River Lakes Rd
Cora, Wyoming 82925
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I was raised on my family's GP Bar Ranch north of Cora at a time when the pavement ended at the Cora Store and it was 42 miles of dirt road to Green River Lakes.
While working on a bachelor’s degree and a teaching certificate, I was recruited by a political think-tank to go to Washington, D.C. and intern with the United States Senate. This led to my meeting U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop and working for hm for five years. This led to my meeting U.S. Senator Al Simpson and becoming his Press Secretary and spokesman at a time when Al was Assistant Republican Leader or Whip to Senator Bob Dole. After a total of ten years working for the Wyoming delegation in the U.S. Senate, I went to law school at the University of Wyoming, graduating sixth in my class.
I’ve been a Wyoming attorney for more than twenty years.


As a Wyoming attorney for more than 20 years, I have handled more than 3,000 criminal cases in Wyoming courts, with more than 750 cases being felonies. Having worked as both a prosecutor and a defense attorney, I am experienced in criminal jury trials. I also have eight years of experience as a civil attorney engaged in easement law, corporate formation and civil litigation. I have also served as a guardian ad litem, representing the best interest of children, in hundreds of cases.


Bachelor of Science (BS) – University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Juris Doctorate (JD) – University of Wyoming, Laramie

Order of the Coif Legal Scholar Society
Phi Kappa Phi Honors

Community Activities and Memberships

Rotary International
Fraternal Order of Masons (32-degree Master Mason)
Wyoming State Bar – admitted 1998

Why I am Running

One of the most important tenants of our democracy is the jury trial. However, instead of allowing a jury of citizens to decide the guilt or innocence of criminal defendants, the vast majority of criminal cases are simply being settled by prosecutors.
The last felony jury trial in Sublette County was in 2017. Recently, there was a head-on collision caused by a drunk driver that killed someone. Instead of bringing that case to a jury trial, the felony charges were reduced to a misdemeanor and the case ended without justice for the victim.

Besides bringing back Jury Trials to Sublette County it is crucial the County Attorney's Office supports local law enforcement.

Top 3 Priorities

First, Sublette County needs to start doing jury trials again. What is missing element from our criminal justice system are jury.
Second, more emphasis needs to be given to our juvenile justice system. You cannot expect a young person to have any respect for the law if they don’t have respect for themselves. We can’t save every kid, but we can save a lot of them, and we owe to the ones we don’t save, to at least have tried.
Third, Sublette County has to have greater access to treatment for those who have been convicted of a DUI or a substance abuse charge. Part of justice is helping people overcome their criminal behavior.