A magistrate can be appointed to help manage the case load in Circuit Courts. Provided they have legal experience and are assigned a case, they can have the exact same powers as a Circuit Court Judge.
The Mayor attends all City Council meetings, and has a great amount of control over offices and affairs of their city, and they typically administer any oaths needed for the offices of their city. Typically, the mayor’s signature will be required on any document signed for the sake of the city as a whole.
The Secretary of State is the custodian of the seal of Wyoming, as well as any records of the legislation of Wyoming and proclamations of the Governor. If these documents are needed, they also certify these documents so they can be properly used.
The Wyoming Senate is the upper house in the state legislature, and is composed of thirty members; one of which is the Senate President, who maintains order during Senate meetings. They confirm many of the Governor’s appointments, and function similarly to the U.S. Senate.
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